Thursday, May 30, 2013

Let me fill you in...

I realize that my blog posts may be a little long. So I do apologize. I just want to share something.

Today, I was reminded yet again that life is so short. So unpredictable. I mean can you imagine being middle age and have everything summed up for you in a few words that tell you that you have a terminal illness. Then you spend your time in the hospital no matter what the reason is. I just can't imagine. I am young, yes, but I really need to learn to appreciate each and everyday.

I don't know about you but my life is changing a whole lot. My life has changed a lot in the past year. It's crazy to think about. However, I'm glad to be where I am. I never thought I would be here, and it has been a challenge, but I sure feel that one day it'll be worth the fight.

Life is precious, our days are numbered for sure. I want to make sure I make them count.

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