Monday, June 24, 2013


I have really been spacing out my blog entries. Trust me, it's not because I don't have anything to write about, just no spare time to do it.

Busy week, as usual. This week hopefully will allow me more time to slow down and enjoy what life has to offer. Sometimes we, and myself included, get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we take a lot for granted. Life seems to just be passing me by. Sad part is, I realize it and yet I have done the minimal to try and change it. My excuse seems to be that I stay busy with my three hobbies: school, work, sleep.

As I sat and watched my uncle be ordained last night, and I listened as the preacher gave his message to the congregation I began to think about how much I have prayed that God would reveal his plans for me, to me. Today, I sat down and looked at some pictures from my Africa trip that was about 6 months ago. It's ridiculous how much I miss that place. I can't get over it. I just keep hoping and praying that I am led where I need to go.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Since it's been a while...

It has been a week since my last blog post. I told you, I can be slack! Of course my only excuse is that I have been super busy, and I hope I make this post a good one because this week is going to be just as crazy.

So since my last post nothing has really changed in my life. Although, my boyfriend and I mutually agreed that it would be best if we no longer dated anymore, so sadly that chapter in my life has came to a close. I wish him nothing but the best and I am thankful for the time he and I had together.

I just can't seem to get over that cliche quote, that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. It does. Every single thing that happens to us has a purpose, every person we encounter has a reason.

Not much is new, still snuggling babies on Tuesdays, working like crazy, studying when I can, and putting off English papers as much as possible.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Glad that's over!

I don't know about you, but I am happy to see that the gardens are starting to produce some of my favorites. I ate some fresh garden squash and cucumbers at my grandmas house today, and then had watermelon at home. Summer is in full swing around here. I also realized something, you know what I like about summer rain? Nothing at all. It just makes it humid, and my naturally curly hair doesn't follow the rules. Anyway, I'm glad for change, it's refreshing no matter what. I take that back, the nice thing about rain is it eases the mind, especially when you want to sleep :) and it gives me a sense that no matter what God controls things and can wash it away, just like our sin.

This past weekend has been crazy, and as badly as I wanted to blog and vent I didn't seem to get a chance. Here's what has happened to me since my last post.

Friday: Crazy day decorating for a wedding, and getting nails, fulfilling all my bridesmaid duties, and of course enduring a rehearsal where all the boys wanted to do was do nothing but joke around.

Myself and the Bride to be :)

Valerie and I met in middle school, and our friendship carried into high school where we had some classes together and spent many nights in my room staying up late, sharing secrets, and on occasion making grilled cheeses. She and Mitchell started dating when we were sophomores, and he was a junior. They got married this weekend and it was a beautiful wedding, I wish them nothing but the best and I am so glad they FINALLY tied the knot. I was honored to stand beside her as she married her high school sweetheart. Although it was a great day, I'm glad it's behind us, the stress was too much for me!

There's a sneak peek!

So Saturday was a BUSY day full of hair, makeup, pictures, sweating in a dress, talking, catching up, posing, and seeing two people who love one another become one.

Sunday, my other best friend celebrated her one year anniversary to her hubby, so wishing Hannah and Preston many more years of wedded bliss. 

I'm telling ya, although I'm overjoyed for my friends, I am enjoying life right now, no husband, definitely no kids, and really a lot of freedom. It's nice. I like being me. I like who I am becoming, I think. 

Isn't it funny how things work out? That God has a plan for each and every one of us. It's amazing. He's loves us so much to specifically plan something for all of us individually, and intends to allow us to follow through with His plan. I keep praying and seeking God's will for my life, and hopefully He will show me, and give the patience to wait until He does so. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Who am I?

I have to say, I am proud of myself for keeping up with my blog :)

When I came home today I was tired and sweaty, from the 9 hours at work then the 15 minutes in the tanning bed. I know, I know. I should not be laying in the tanning bed. Butttttt my excuse it that my best friend is getting married and I cannot stand to look super pale standing beside her :) anyway, I was getting in the shower and of course I started singing by this time and the only song that came to mind was Who Am I. Here take a listen. 
Randomly started singing this song. Then I thought to myself, you know God doesn't do "random" things. I realized quickly that I needed to jump back into reality, quickly. I immediately felt convicted. God chose me. Why? I don't have a clue. But isn't it wonderful? The love of such a savior. I stand amazed. You know, at one point in my life I had  a very "forced" relationship with Christ. Not fake necessarily but forced. Not what it should be by any means.

Do you ever wonder why things happen the way they do? I am one of those Everything happens for a reason people. Everything is so different right now and sometimes I just stop and think about it. How things would be if they didn't change months ago. But everything happens for a reason, I'm just waiting to find out the purpose. 
One of my favorite quotes :)
See you guys later!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

While I'm thinking about it

I don't know about you, but I LOVE the show Duck Dynasty. Found this hilarious video, thought I'd share.
Hope you get a laugh, and have a great rest of the week!

Do you ever wonder?

I have had a lot on my mind the past couple of days. I am a thinker. Hold on, let me rephrase that, I am a OVER thinker. A worrier if you must. Do you ever have so many thoughts in your head, you feel like you can't even get them all straight? That's me right now, actually for the past few days. So I'm going to apologize in advance for skipping from place to place. I hope by blogging I can get some things in order.

What is love? To me love is not a feeling or an emotion, but more of a way to have a functional relationship. We all love differently. Which is probably not a bad thing. See I am not a super affectionate person. I can do fine by myself, and I probably enjoy my independence too much. However, some people need a lot of love. Not attention, but love. So when they are not given all they may "need" then they may be left feeling empty so to speak. But they might feel that way because they are giving all they have and feel that someone like myself doesn't give it all back. But when I give my all I do it in different ways. Thank goodness we're all different. The greatest love story ever is John 3:16. The fact the God Almighty loved us so much that he gave us the one thing He loved more than anything. I wish that I could love selflessly. Pretty sure that it will be a life goal of mine.

My job is stressful, super stressful. Monday I worked for four hours, and seriously number one, Mondays are terrible anyways, and it was awful! Working in the ER you see a lot of people who's chief complaint should be "complains too much." Although I'm thankful to have a job, sometimes I wish that I could not have to work, not have to do all these things, but I realize that the fact that I have had a job since 14, it has made me the person I am today, and I am so glad.

I had clinical Tuesday. We recently started our OB/PEDS rotation in nursing school. After enduring those four hours on Monday, let me tell you, it was great to hold and snuggle with some innocent newborns. Although we were told to leave  our judgmental attitudes at the door, it was hard. We all have our own opinions. Where I live, there's a very diverse sense of life. However, I couldn't get a grip on the fact that some mothers were younger than me. I couldn't imagine having a baby at my age. But I just pray that those parents make selfless decisions and choose to make a great life for their little baby.

Holding those babies took me back to holding that little baby in Africa, and falling in love within just a minute. I love babies, I love the innocence they have, their small fingers and little toes, it makes life complete.
My little African Love :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend Memories

Again, this weekend has been a little busy. I spent Friday night with my boyfriend and his sweet family. They are so funny. Since I am the baby of my family it's interesting to be around younger kids. His youngest sister and I seem to be very similar. I remember being her age and being a drama queen. Anyway, Saturday we went to breakfast with one of our very close friends then to Lake Norman with my best friend and her fiance.

Anyway, it was a great weekend. Although I ended it with 8 hours in the ER (work).
Hope everyone has a great week! I don't know about you but my week is going to be BUSY! So my blogging may be a little slack! :)